
1. Stability of extracellular fluid
2. Ions of extracellular fluid and their concentrations
3. Acid-base balance. The most important buffers
4. Passive transport. Donnan equilibrium
5. Active transport. Sodium-potassium pump
6. Active site of enzymes. Zymogens
7. Coenzymes and prosthetic groups
8. Mechanism of enzyme action
9. Influence of different factors on enzyme activity
10. Effect of substrate concentration on the velocity of enzymatic reaction. The Michaelis constant
11. Reversibility of enzymatic reactions
12. Specificity of enzymatic reactions. Isoenzymes
13. Enzyme inhibition
14. Enzyme induction and repression
15. Allosteric regulation of enzyme activity
16. Cellular localization of enzymes
17. Separation and biochemical characterization of subcellular organelles
18. Nomenclature and classification of enzymes
19. Characterization of hydrolases
20. Chemistry of nucleotides
21. Biosynthesis of nucleotides
22. Degradation of nucleotides
23. DNA and the structure of chromosomes
24. DNA as genetic material. Genes
25. Replication of DNA
26. Repair of DNA
27. Forms of mutat ion
28. Characterization of major types of RNA
29. Biosynthesis of RNA (transcription)
30. Regulation of transcription
31. Amino acid activation in protein biosynthesis
32. Translation and synthesis of po1ypeptide chain
33. C1assification of conjugated proteins
34. C1assification of proteins on the basis of their function
35. Primary structure of proteins
36. Secondary and tertiary structure of proteins. Conformation
37. Quaternary structure of proteins
38. Isoelectric point and denaturation of proteins
39. Bonds in the protein molecule
40. Biochemistry of collagen
41. Biochemistry of elastin and keratin
42. Role of restriction endonucleases in genetic engineering
43. Role of plasmids (bacteriophages, viruses) as vectors in genetic engineering
44. Gene isolation and synthesis in genetic engineering
45. Manipulation of gene expression in genetic engineering
46. Production of proteins by the application of recombinant DNA technology
47. Biosynthesis of heme and hemoglobin
48. Structure of hemoglobin
49. Role of hemoglobin in the body
50. Degradation of hemoglobin
51. Biochemistry of myoglobin, catalase, and peroxidase
52. Iron metabolism
53. Comparison of combustion and bio1ogical oxidation
54. Reactions of citric acid cycle
55. Energy production through citric acid cycle
56. Regulation and location of citric acid cyc1e
57. Hydrogen transport in the respiratory chain
58. Electron transport in the respiratory chain
59. Oxidative phosphory1ation
60. High energy phosphate compounds
61. Creatine phosphate and metabolism of creatine
62. Classification of monosaccharides and their derivatives
63. Classification and characterization of oligosaccharides
64. Classification and characterization of homopolysaccharides
65. Classification and characterization of heteropolysaccharides
66. Glycogen degradation
67. Cyclic AMP and its role
68. Synthesis of glycogen from carbohydrates
69. Start molecules of gluconeogenesis
70. Significance of gluconeogenesis
71. Reactions of glycolysis
72. Energy production and-regulation of glycolysis
73. The Cori cycle and the Pasteur effect
74. Oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA
75. Pentose phosphate pathway
76. Blood sugar and its value in domestic animals
77. Regulation of blood sugar
78. Metabolism of fructose and galactose
79. Structure and characterization of monoamino-monocarboxy1ic acids
80. Structure and characterization of monoamino-dicarboxylic acids
81. Structure and characterization of diamino-monocarboxylic acids
82. Structure and characterization of iso- and heterocyclyc amino acids
83. Sulfur containing amino acids
84. Transaminaton of amino acids
85. Synthesis of amino acids: essential and non-essential amino acids (new!)
86. Oxidative deamination of amino acids
87. Role of glutamate in the intermediary metabolism
88. Glycogenic and ketogenic amino acids
89. Urea cycle
90. Formation and excretion of ammonium ion
91. Nitrogen excretion in the urine
92. Decarboxylation of amino acids
93. Biochemical characterization of peptides (most important peptides)
94. Proteinogenic and non-proteinogenic amino acids (new!)
95. Chemical structure and role of neutral fats
96. Entry of fatty acids into mitochondria
97. Pathway of beta-oxidation of fatty acids
98. Energy yield of beta-oxidation of fatty acids
99. Oxidation of odd-carbon and unsaturated fatty acids
100. Metabolism of glycerol
101. Biosynthesis of oxa1oacetate
102. Synthesis of ketone bodies (ketogenesis)
103. Degradation of ketone bodies (ketolysis)
104. Synthesis of even-carbon fatty acids
105. Synthesis of odd-carbon and unsaturated fatty acids
106. Synthesis of triacylglycerols (fats)
107. Biochemistry of phosphoglycerides and sphingo1ipids
108. Structure and function of biological membrane
109. Cholesterol and its metabolism
110. Biochemistry of bile acids
111. Biochemistry of steroid hormones
112. Central role of liver in the intermediary metabolism
113. Detoxication in the liver
114. Biochemistry of striated and cardiac muscles
115. Biochemistry of adipose tissue
116. Degradation of polysaccharides in the rumen
117. Absorption and metabolism of volatile fatty acids
118. Gluconeogenic pathway from lactate
119. Relationship of gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis
120. Ammonia production and absorption in the rumen
121. Synthesis of microbial protein in the rumen
122. Lipid degradation and synthesis in the rumen
123. Synthesis of fatty acids in the tissues of ruminants
124. Biochemical role of ketone bodies
125. Biochemical background of ketosis
126. Biosynthesis of milk fat
127. Biosynthesis of lactose and milk proteins
128. Vitamin antagonists
129. Structure of beta-carotene and vitamin A
130. Metabolism of vitamin A
131. Biochemical role of vitamin A
132. Deficiency of vitamin A. Toxicity of vitamin A (hypervitaminosis)
133. Conversion of provitamin to calciferol
134. Structure and metabolism of vitamin D
135. Biochemical role of vitamin D
136. Deficiency of vitamin D. Toxicity of vitamin D (hypervitaminosis)
137. Structure and chemical properties of vitamin E
138. Biochemical role of vitamin E
139. Deficiency of vitamin E
140. Structure and metabolism of vitamin K
141. Biochemical role of vitamin K. Deficiency of vitamin K
142. Biochemistry of essential fatty acids
143. Structure and metabolism of thiamine
144. Biochemical role of thiamine
145. Deficiency of thiamine
146. Structure and metabolism of riboflavin
147. Biochemical role of riboflavin. Deficiency of riboflavin
148. Structure and metabolism of niacin
149. Biochemical role of niacin
150. Deficiency of niacin
151. Structure and metabolism of pantothenic acid
152. Biochemical role of pantothenic acid
153. Deficiency of pantothenic acid
154. Biochemistry of pyridoxine
155. Biochemistry of biotin
156. Structure of vitamin B12
157. Biochemical role of vitamin B12
158. Deficiency of vitamin B12
159. Structure and metabolism of folic acid
160. Biochemical role of folic acid
161. Folic acid deficiency
162. Biochemistry of choline and inositol
163. Structure of metabolism of ascorbic acid
164. Biochemical role of ascorbic acid
165. Deficiency of ascorbic acid
166. Determination of calcium .and inorganic phosphate in serum
167. Measurement of alkaline phosphatase activity in serum
168. Determination of protein concentration in biological fluids
169. Principle and practical application of electrophoresis
170. Detectionof mono- and polysaccharides
171. Effect of ph on amylase and and pepsin activity
172. Measurment of lipase activity
173. Extraction and quantitative determination of DNA and RNA
174. Qualitative detection of hemoglobin
175. Quantitative determination of hemoglobin
176. Determination of serum bilirubin
177. Detection of bilirubin and urobilinogen in urine
178. Detection of biological oxidation in animal tissues
179. Detection of cytochrome oxidase
180. Investigation on the regulation of blood sugar in rabbit
181. Reactions of amino group of amino acids
182. Detection of tyrosine and tryptophan
183. Principle and practical application of chromatography
184. Determination of free fatty acids in blood plasma
185. Determination of carotene concentration in serum
186. Determination of vitamin A (Carr-Price reaction)
187. Detection of vitamins by fluorescency
188. Detection of ascorbic acid
Hej hej!
Här är lite vad jag har gjort idag (topicslistan till biokemin):
1. Stability of extracellular fluid
2. Ions of extracellular fluid and their concentrations
3. Acid-base balance. The most important buffers
4. Passive transport. Donnan equilibrium
5. Active transport. Sodium-potassium pump
6. Active site of enzymes. Zymogens
7. Coenzymes and prosthetic groups
8. Mechanism of enzyme action
9. Influence of different factors on enzyme activity
10. Effect of substrate concentration on the velocity of enzymatic reaction. The Michaelis constant
11. Reversibility of enzymatic reactions
12. Specificity of enzymatic reactions. Isoenzymes
13. Enzyme inhibition
14. Enzyme induction and repression
15. Allosteric regulation of enzyme activity
16. Cellular localization of enzymes
17. Separation and biochemical characterization of subcellular organelles
18. Nomenclature and classification of enzymes
19. Characterization of hydrolases
20. Chemistry of nucleotides
21. Biosynthesis of nucleotides
22. Degradation of nucleotides
23. DNA and the structure of chromosomes
24. DNA as genetic material. Genes
25. Replication of DNA
26. Repair of DNA
27. Forms of mutat ion
28. Characterization of major types of RNA
29. Biosynthesis of RNA (transcription)
30. Regulation of transcription
31. Amino acid activation in protein biosynthesis
32. Translation and synthesis of po1ypeptide chain
33. C1assification of conjugated proteins
34. C1assification of proteins on the basis of their function
35. Primary structure of proteins
36. Secondary and tertiary structure of proteins. Conformation
37. Quaternary structure of proteins
38. Isoelectric point and denaturation of proteins
39. Bonds in the protein molecule
40. Biochemistry of collagen
41. Biochemistry of elastin and keratin
42. Role of restriction endonucleases in genetic engineering
43. Role of plasmids (bacteriophages, viruses) as vectors in genetic engineering
44. Gene isolation and synthesis in genetic engineering
45. Manipulation of gene expression in genetic engineering
46. Production of proteins by the application of recombinant DNA technology
47. Biosynthesis of heme and hemoglobin
48. Structure of hemoglobin
49. Role of hemoglobin in the body
50. Degradation of hemoglobin
51. Biochemistry of myoglobin, catalase, and peroxidase
52. Iron metabolism
53. Comparison of combustion and bio1ogical oxidation
54. Reactions of citric acid cycle
55. Energy production through citric acid cycle
56. Regulation and location of citric acid cyc1e
57. Hydrogen transport in the respiratory chain
58. Electron transport in the respiratory chain
59. Oxidative phosphory1ation
60. High energy phosphate compounds
61. Creatine phosphate and metabolism of creatine
62. Classification of monosaccharides and their derivatives
63. Classification and characterization of oligosaccharides
64. Classification and characterization of homopolysaccharides
65. Classification and characterization of heteropolysaccharides
66. Glycogen degradation
67. Cyclic AMP and its role
68. Synthesis of glycogen from carbohydrates
69. Start molecules of gluconeogenesis
70. Significance of gluconeogenesis
71. Reactions of glycolysis
72. Energy production and-regulation of glycolysis
73. The Cori cycle and the Pasteur effect
74. Oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA
75. Pentose phosphate pathway
76. Blood sugar and its value in domestic animals
77. Regulation of blood sugar
78. Metabolism of fructose and galactose
79. Structure and characterization of monoamino-monocarboxy1ic acids
80. Structure and characterization of monoamino-dicarboxylic acids
81. Structure and characterization of diamino-monocarboxylic acids
82. Structure and characterization of iso- and heterocyclyc amino acids
83. Sulfur containing amino acids
84. Transaminaton of amino acids
85. Synthesis of amino acids: essential and non-essential amino acids (new!)
86. Oxidative deamination of amino acids
87. Role of glutamate in the intermediary metabolism
88. Glycogenic and ketogenic amino acids
89. Urea cycle
90. Formation and excretion of ammonium ion
91. Nitrogen excretion in the urine
92. Decarboxylation of amino acids
93. Biochemical characterization of peptides (most important peptides)
94. Proteinogenic and non-proteinogenic amino acids (new!)
95. Chemical structure and role of neutral fats
96. Entry of fatty acids into mitochondria
97. Pathway of beta-oxidation of fatty acids
98. Energy yield of beta-oxidation of fatty acids
99. Oxidation of odd-carbon and unsaturated fatty acids
100. Metabolism of glycerol
101. Biosynthesis of oxa1oacetate
102. Synthesis of ketone bodies (ketogenesis)
103. Degradation of ketone bodies (ketolysis)
104. Synthesis of even-carbon fatty acids
105. Synthesis of odd-carbon and unsaturated fatty acids
106. Synthesis of triacylglycerols (fats)
107. Biochemistry of phosphoglycerides and sphingo1ipids
108. Structure and function of biological membrane
109. Cholesterol and its metabolism
110. Biochemistry of bile acids
111. Biochemistry of steroid hormones
112. Central role of liver in the intermediary metabolism
113. Detoxication in the liver
114. Biochemistry of striated and cardiac muscles
115. Biochemistry of adipose tissue
116. Degradation of polysaccharides in the rumen
117. Absorption and metabolism of volatile fatty acids
118. Gluconeogenic pathway from lactate
119. Relationship of gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis
120. Ammonia production and absorption in the rumen
121. Synthesis of microbial protein in the rumen
122. Lipid degradation and synthesis in the rumen
123. Synthesis of fatty acids in the tissues of ruminants
124. Biochemical role of ketone bodies
125. Biochemical background of ketosis
126. Biosynthesis of milk fat
127. Biosynthesis of lactose and milk proteins
128. Vitamin antagonists
129. Structure of beta-carotene and vitamin A
130. Metabolism of vitamin A
131. Biochemical role of vitamin A
132. Deficiency of vitamin A. Toxicity of vitamin A (hypervitaminosis)
133. Conversion of provitamin to calciferol
134. Structure and metabolism of vitamin D
135. Biochemical role of vitamin D
136. Deficiency of vitamin D. Toxicity of vitamin D (hypervitaminosis)
137. Structure and chemical properties of vitamin E
138. Biochemical role of vitamin E
139. Deficiency of vitamin E
140. Structure and metabolism of vitamin K
141. Biochemical role of vitamin K. Deficiency of vitamin K
142. Biochemistry of essential fatty acids
143. Structure and metabolism of thiamine
144. Biochemical role of thiamine
145. Deficiency of thiamine
146. Structure and metabolism of riboflavin
147. Biochemical role of riboflavin. Deficiency of riboflavin
148. Structure and metabolism of niacin
149. Biochemical role of niacin
150. Deficiency of niacin
151. Structure and metabolism of pantothenic acid
152. Biochemical role of pantothenic acid
153. Deficiency of pantothenic acid
154. Biochemistry of pyridoxine
155. Biochemistry of biotin
156. Structure of vitamin B12
157. Biochemical role of vitamin B12
158. Deficiency of vitamin B12
159. Structure and metabolism of folic acid
160. Biochemical role of folic acid
161. Folic acid deficiency
162. Biochemistry of choline and inositol
163. Structure of metabolism of ascorbic acid
164. Biochemical role of ascorbic acid
165. Deficiency of ascorbic acid
166. Determination of calcium .and inorganic phosphate in serum
167. Measurement of alkaline phosphatase activity in serum
168. Determination of protein concentration in biological fluids
169. Principle and practical application of electrophoresis
170. Detectionof mono- and polysaccharides
171. Effect of ph on amylase and and pepsin activity
172. Measurment of lipase activity
173. Extraction and quantitative determination of DNA and RNA
174. Qualitative detection of hemoglobin
175. Quantitative determination of hemoglobin
176. Determination of serum bilirubin
177. Detection of bilirubin and urobilinogen in urine
178. Detection of biological oxidation in animal tissues
179. Detection of cytochrome oxidase
180. Investigation on the regulation of blood sugar in rabbit
181. Reactions of amino group of amino acids
182. Detection of tyrosine and tryptophan
183. Principle and practical application of chromatography
184. Determination of free fatty acids in blood plasma
185. Determination of carotene concentration in serum
186. Determination of vitamin A (Carr-Price reaction)
187. Detection of vitamins by fluorescency
188. Detection of ascorbic acid

Postat av: D

Hoppas detta var kopierat och inklistrat! Om inte så har du för mycket fritid.

2012-06-09 @ 09:25:06
Postat av: Nina

Jag skrev det helt själv, jag hoppas att du läste allt, för jag ansträngde mig verkligen med den listan!

Men nee :P jag kopierade in den från hemsidan. Har den tentan den 18e, och då ska jag kunna allt det där, så som svar angående min fritid: jag har ingen fritid ;).

2012-06-09 @ 11:32:20
URL: http://ninasanatomy.blogg.se/

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